According to tax legislation, enterprises of all forms of ownership are required to provide information on the average number of their employees to the tax office at the place of registration. This report should be submitted in accordance with the unified form No. 1-T. All columns of this form, except for the section "To be completed by an employee of the tax authority", must be completed by the taxpayer.

Step 1
In the line "Submitted to" write the full name of the tax office in which your company is registered, as well as its code. Fill in the name of your enterprise in strict accordance with the constituent documents, while indicating the full name of the enterprise or the surname, name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur. Indicators on the line "INN / KPP" write out from the "Certificate of Tax Registration".
Step 2
Indicate on the form the average number of employees in your company. If you provide information about it for the previous calendar year, then indicate January 1 of the current year as the reporting date. In the event that you submit a report after the reorganization was carried out at your enterprise in the current year, then the date of the report will be the 1st day of the month following the month when the reorganization was carried out.
Step 3
When determining the average headcount, be guided by the procedure approved by the Decree of Rosstat No. 69 of 20.11.2006.
Step 4
The information that you indicated in the form No. 1-T must be certified by the signature of the head of the enterprise, an individual entrepreneur or a taxpayer's representative acting on the basis of a power of attorney. Indicate the signature together with the decryption and certify with the seal of the company. If you are an individual entrepreneur, please put your signature and date of signing. If you are acting as a representative, please indicate the name of the document confirming your authority, and attach a certified copy to the certificate of the average number.