To promote the growth of the efficiency of the enterprise, as well as to optimize the working and rest conditions of employees, an indispensable condition is to determine the required number of employees, for which you can use one of the universal calculation methods.

It is necessary
statistical data about a specific enterprise
Step 1
Modern crisis conditions put before each manager the question of optimizing the number of personnel in the organization. In this case, you, as a leader, need to use proven statistical methods.
Step 2
Hire employees in such a number that there is no overspending of the payroll, but at the same time, working time would be rationally used with an optimal workload that allows not only maintaining a certain level of employee performance, but, preferably, increasing it. With such an optimal number of staff, you will be able to provide employees with a normal working regime with the required number of days of rest, taking into account the absence of some employees from work (holidays, sick leaves, etc.)
Step 3
The basic method for calculating the optimal number of employees in an enterprise involves a fairly simple calculation. You can calculate the total number of employees in an enterprise using the following formula:
W = H × Kn, in which:
Ш - optimal staffing (do not take into account technical personnel);
Н - standard number of employees;
Kn is the planned absenteeism rate.
Step 4
Calculate the standard number of employees using the following formula: H = Op / (Frv × Hv × Kvn), in which:
Op is the planned scope of work;
Фрв - fund (in hours) of working time;
Нв is the rate of revenue;
Квн - coefficient of fulfillment of norms (planned) - the ratio of planned revenue for the corresponding period of the planned year to the same period of the last year.
Step 5
The planned absenteeism rate can be found as follows: Кн = 1 + Дн, in which:
Day is the share (according to the production calendar) of non-working time in the total working time, that is, the hours of absence of an individual employee, divided by the total number of his working hours in a certain period.
Step 6
It is necessary to form the optimal number of staff not only from the point of view of the efficiency of performing production tasks, but also from the point of view of the optimal management of this team by you, in order to create conditions for the normal functioning of the enterprise.