You can always hand over the purchased goods back to the store, even if there are no defects on it, but it simply did not suit you. The exceptions are cases when you yourself have spoiled the purchased item. If you did not become a source of damage to the purchased goods, and the thing is absolutely new and beautiful, you can return it back.

Step 1
To protect yourself from a long showdown with the seller, read the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", in which it is written in black and white that the buyer has every right to exchange a non-food product for an identical one from the seller if it does not satisfy in shape, style, color, size or other characteristics. Just remember that the law applies only to a two-week period from the date of purchase. You can also get back the amount paid if you do not pick up another item to replace the returned one. Only justify your refusal with good reasons.
Step 2
Often on shop windows with signs about discounts and sales, it is indicated in small print at the bottom that this product cannot be returned or exchanged. However, in reality, this is nothing more than a lie. The seller still retains warranty obligations for this product, so he is obliged to accept it back if the consumer has a claim. If a discount is made on any item due to a defect present on it, the seller is obliged to inform you about this. Otherwise, he must return the money to you.
Step 3
Never throw away your cashier's check, because this is a kind of guarantee that you can return the goods back. The check contains the name of the store, its requisites, a stamp. Thus, by presenting a receipt, the seller will not be able to prove that the goods were purchased elsewhere. The same argument is the warranty card, if it was issued, or any other purchase documents. Therefore, never rush to get rid of unnecessary paperwork.
Step 4
If you are faced with an intractable seller who refuses to take back the goods, contact his manager and explain your situation by reading the consumer's rights. If this does not help, contact the local authorities of Derzhspozhivstandart, filling out the request in writing and attaching all the necessary documents (checks, coupons, guarantees).