According to Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the seller must provide the buyer with quality goods that meet the accepted standards. If you are unlucky and you have purchased a defective product, then immediately write a consumer claim to compensate for the costs.

Step 1
A claim for the quality of the goods is written on an A4 sheet in handwritten text or printed on a computer. Also, on the Internet, you can find a sample consumer complaint that suits your case, fill in the missing information and print it.
Step 2
The entire document is divided into three main parts. The first part must be located in the upper right corner of the sheet - there will be general information about the representatives of the parties involved in resolving the issue that has arisen. The second part is the main one. In it, you describe what exactly did not suit you in the purchased product. And, finally, the third block begins with the heading "I require" and accordingly sets out your requirement to the one in whose name the application is written.
Step 3
Write in the first part the position, surname, name and patronymic of the person to whom your claim is addressed. Please indicate below the legal address of the company he represents. In the same block, you provide data about yourself. Only the position does not need to be indicated, but instead of the legal address, write the address of your actual place of residence.
Step 4
Provide a name for the document. In this case, the name "Claim" or "Consumer Claim" is suitable. Place the heading immediately after the first block in the center of the line.
Step 5
Compose the text for the main body of your document. In the first paragraph, indicate when and where and at what price you purchased this product, what documents exist that can confirm the act of this purchase (sales contract, check, receipt). If the payment for the goods was made in parts, write about this. Specify the warranty period that is due to your purchase according to the contract.
Step 6
Describe how you operated the product, whether it complies with the rules that are set out in the attached manual. Do not forget to mention exactly when the defect was found and whether you contacted technical support to make repairs before the warranty expired. Create a numbered list for the third section, where your requirements will be outlined in order. Sign and date the statement.