If you purchased a product of inadequate quality in a store, you have the right to contact the seller with requirements for its replacement, free repair, or a refund of the amount spent. But what if an unscrupulous seller refuses to meet your requirements? Practice shows that a well-drafted claim to the seller in most cases allows you to resolve controversial issues out of court.

Step 1
1. The claim is made in two copies. Indicate in the claim to whom it is addressed. For example, a store director, or an entrepreneur. You can take information about the name of the store or company from the receipt for the goods you purchased.
Step 2
2. Next, indicate who the claim is from, ie. your surname, name, patronymic and registration address. It is highly advisable to indicate your contact phone number.
Step 3
3. We set out in the text of the claim the case on the merits from the very beginning. For example: "I, full name, on October 5, 2012 bought in your store … at the address … TV brand … model …. Two days later the TV stopped working." It is also desirable to remind you of your rights. Example: "According to Article 18 of the Law" On Protection of Consumer Rights "I have the right to withdraw from the contract of sale and demand the amount paid for the goods."
Step 4
4. Clearly and clearly write our requirements. For example: "I ask you to terminate the contract and return the money paid to me in the amount of 12,000 (twelve thousand) rubles."
Step 5
5. After all this, write that if your requirements are not met, you will be forced to file an application with the court, where you will additionally demand a forfeit and compensation for damages.
Step 6
6. Indicate what documents you are attaching. Usually this is a copy of a cash register, or sales receipt.
Step 7
7. At the end of your claim, include a date and your signature.