A receipt is the most convenient way to insure yourself against a default, especially when it comes to relatively small amounts. A receipt is a document confirming the fact of a loan, drawn up directly by the debtor. A receipt as a document is accepted by the Civil Code, but nowhere are the norms and rules for issuing a receipt enshrined in legislation.

Step 1
Based on legal practice, in order to minimize the risk of the debtor's refusal to draw up a receipt, it is necessary to take into account several important points. Careful drawing up of the receipt is a guarantee that you can get your funds back.
Step 2
The text of the receipt must be written by the debtor himself and must be handwritten. The greater the amount of handwritten text present in the document, the less chance of challenging the authenticity of the originator's handwriting.
In the receipt, indicate the passport details of both parties to the loan agreement, that is, both the debtor and the lender. Entering identification data into the text of the document will avoid refusal to pay the debt, motivated by the fact that the receipt was drawn up by another person with the same full name.
Step 3
Indicate the amount owed not only in numbers, but also in words. This will insure you against disputes over the amount of debt if some of the characters on a handwritten document are overwritten.
Step 4
Be sure to indicate the term of the agreement, in other words, the date by which the loan must be repaid.
Indicate the percentage of the debt and penalties. There is a so-called refinancing rate, according to which, by default, the amount of interest on the loan provided will be calculated. If you want to set a different interest rate, or, on the contrary, provide an interest-free loan, you should definitely mention this in the receipt.