Does The Length Of Service Include Caring For A Disabled Child

Does The Length Of Service Include Caring For A Disabled Child
Does The Length Of Service Include Caring For A Disabled Child

As a general rule, periods of caring for a disabled child are counted in the insurance period on an equal basis with those periods when labor activity was carried out. But in order to be credited with the experience of these periods, certain conditions must be met.

Does the length of service include caring for a disabled child
Does the length of service include caring for a disabled child

The current pension legislation provides for the possibility of including certain periods in the insurance period during which an able-bodied person did not work, but carried out any other activity of public importance. These periods also include the time of caring for a disabled child. If an able-bodied person (for example, one of the parents) provides such care, then he has the right to count on the inclusion of such activities in the entire time without any reductions or exceptions. This circumstance must be taken into account when applying to the bodies of the Pension Fund for the appointment of a pension.

What conditions are established for the inclusion of care for a disabled child in the length of service?

To include in the insurance experience the time during which the disabled child was caring, one condition must be met. This condition is enshrined in the law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", it consists in the presence of periods of work that precede the period of caring for such a child or periods of work activity that immediately follow the end of the period of care. If this condition is met, then officials of the authorized bodies do not have the right to refuse a person to include the time of caring for a child in the insurance experience. This activity can be carried out for years, but it should not have a negative impact on the pension rights of the persons who exercise it.

What to do if the Pension Fund refuses to credit the periods of leaving?

If the officials of the Pension Fund branch for any reason refuse to count the time of caring for a disabled child in the insurance period, then a written refusal from the head of the corresponding unit should be requested. This document can be appealed against in court, since a positive court decision will become an unconditional basis for crediting the relevant periods of activity to the length of service. There are also more complex situations in which a person learns about the refusal to include the appropriate periods of retirement in the seniority after retirement. In this case, you should also not neglect your own rights, since according to a personal application with the attachment of supporting documents, the authorized body must recalculate the pension associated with an increase in the total length of service.
