It is required to draw up acts of disagreement in the case when it is necessary to record in writing the disagreement of the parties when drawing up an inspection report, when concluding an agreement or resolving work issues in the course of work on it. Usually, this document is drawn up in the form of a protocol and does not at all indicate that the differences are insurmountable. This is a reason for resolving controversial issues and an attempt to jointly find compromise options.

Step 1
The act or protocol of disagreements must be drawn up in accordance with the current GOSTs, which regulate the processing of business documents. Print it on standard sheets of writing paper. They should all be numbered.
Step 2
The form of writing the protocol of disagreements is arbitrary, but it must necessarily reflect the full names of the enterprises participating in the negotiations or verification, positions, titles and names of representatives of the parties, the date and place of the meeting. The signatures of all officials mentioned in the protocol must be affixed at the end of this document.
Step 3
In the list of disagreements itself, be sure to give the full name of the document that became the subject of discussion by the parties. All objections and conditions must be mentioned with reference to the clauses of the original document and be specifically linked to them.
Step 4
Formulate the terms so that they are understood unambiguously and do not allow ambiguity. Avoid vague and imprecise phrases: "Within a reasonable time", "Execute on time" - all conditions must be concretely expressed in the form of dates, quantitative characteristics, and functional features.
Step 5
If necessary, as an independent expert opinion, attach to the protocol the conclusions of specialists and experts in those areas to which the topic of the primary document relates. In the protocol of disagreements, in this case, there must be a reference to this conclusion.
Step 6
The protocol of disagreements may contain both separate conditions and objections raised by the parties, and a general agreed condition under the contract. The latter is more preferable, since it allows you to draw up an additional agreement that takes into account this general condition and does not prevent the continuation of joint activities.