The presence of a residence permit in our time is a significant factor, for example, for finding a job, for obtaining a medical policy, obtaining a loan, etc. Registering a person in an apartment will not be difficult if the owners of the apartment have no objections to the registration of a particular person on their living space, or if you yourself are the owner of this apartment.

- Required documents:
- - departure sheet;
- - identity document - passport;
- - application for registration at this address;
- - military ID, if you are liable for military service;
- - a document giving the right to register at this address, statistical forms may require documents proving kinship with the owner of the living space.
Step 1
Check out from the place of your current registration.
Step 2
When you are discharged from the place of previous registration, you will receive a departure sheet, such a sheet is valid for 7 days.
Step 3
Submit your documents to the passport office of the FMS at the place of your new registration with all the necessary documents.
Step 4
You pay the state fee at the Sberbank of Russia and, together with the above documents, submit it to the FMS.
Step 5
Sign up for military registration at the military commissariat of the area, if you are liable for military service.
Step 6
When you have collected all the documents and handed them over to the passport officer, who, in turn, is obliged to transfer them to the state bodies that are engaged in registration within three days. Within three days, the registration authorities must register you for the desired area.