How To Draw Up Rationalization Proposals

How To Draw Up Rationalization Proposals
How To Draw Up Rationalization Proposals

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Rationalization proposal is a new technique or technology proposed by a specific contractor that allows to reduce the consumption of materials, time or effort for the manufacture of a particular product, part, product. The rationalization proposals then become the standards and the basis for making adjustments to the working documents. It is necessary to draw up rationalization proposals in accordance with the laws in order to establish the right of performers to them.

How to draw up rationalization proposals
How to draw up rationalization proposals


Step 1

Previously, rationalization proposals were drawn up and registered centrally, but in 1991 a Resolution of the Council of Ministers "On measures for the development of invention and rationalization activities in the RSFSR" was issued, which established that enterprises and organizations can independently determine the procedure for consideration and execution of rationalization proposals.

Step 2

Develop a local regulatory act of your enterprise in the form of an enterprise standard, regulation or instruction and approve the "Rules and procedure for registration, passage and use of rationalization proposals." By order of the head of the enterprise, create a council for rationalization proposals, appoint its composition and oblige by order to meet and consider rationalization proposals once a quarter.

Step 3

In the normative act, determine the composition of the package of documents that must be submitted along with the application. The application is drawn up according to the standard interdepartmental form No. R-1, approved by order of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR dated August 18, 1976 No. 681.

Step 4

The obligatory documents submitted with the application for an improvement proposal include an economic calculation that confirms the savings in time, money and materials. The economic calculation must be made by the performer, but it must necessarily have the visa of the expert who checked it - the chief economist of the enterprise or an employee of the economic department, whose duties, according to the order, should include carrying out such a glad examination.

Step 5

In the "Rules and procedure for registration, passage and use of rationalization proposals" approved by the head of the enterprise, determine the procedure for calculating the bonus for the implementation of the rationalization proposal. It can be expressed as a percentage of the annual economic effect or be defined as a fixed amount for different quantitative ranges of savings. This will serve as an incentive for the employees of your company and motivate them to develop and formulate new rationalization proposals.
