Making proposals for improving the efficiency of work at the enterprise and keeping records are an integral part of the activities in the work collective. It is important to draw up the documentation correctly so that the work done really has a result.

Step 1
Develop a corporate form for writing proposals and reports. Establish the authority of the employees who are required to maintain the relevant documentation, create forms or samples according to which it will be developed. The company's management must follow the incoming proposals and reports and respond to them in a timely manner.
Step 2
Write a proposal on your behalf if you have the appropriate authority. You can send it to your immediate supervisor or director of the enterprise. In the proposal, you can express your thoughts on making changes in the aspect of activities in the enterprise in which you are competent.
Step 3
Make only those suggestions that, in your opinion, are the most effective and will be approved by the management. You should not provide false information, tarnish the reputation of other employees, and send too many suggestions to management. In this case, you may receive an administrative reprimand.
Step 4
Prepare a report in which you tell the management of all the actions you have taken to complete the tasks. Think over a report plan and develop it in stages, breaking your activities into specific periods of time: hours, days, months, etc. This is most conveniently done in the form of a table or a list.
Step 5
Report the results of the work done in each period. At the end, report the result of all your activities, indicate how fully you have completed the entire volume of work. Note all technical and other problems that you encountered in the course of your activity.
Step 6
Various documents confirming the work performed can be attached to the report. Submit the report to the management within the timeframe established by the regulations. As a rule, this should be done weekly or monthly. After reviewing the report or several proposals received, the manager can arrange a workshop and announce his opinion.