Often, school teachers complain that they are loaded not only with pedagogical work itself, but also with the preparation of numerous plans, methodological recommendations, manuals, reports on the activities done. The latter usually seems to be the most difficult task for teachers, since it presupposes the presence of skills and abilities that go far beyond the knowledge of a particular subject.

Step 1
First of all, let's figure out what the report is. A report is a document containing data on the work done: it describes the problems faced by the teaching staff, the process of solving them and, of course, the results of the work done.
Step 2
There are two types of reports: the first is intermediate, the second is final. As for the interim reports, they contain the results of individual, indicated in the plan, stages of work. An interim report should include, first of all, general information about the school (educational institution), the name of the district (region), the name of the educational institution, telephone, address, e-mail - all the necessary contact information, as well as information about the scientific and administrative leadership …
Step 3
The immediate content of the report reveals the topic of the work, its goals, indicates the specific name of the stage, namely, it reveals whether this or that posed problem is at the stage of design, execution or generalization.
Step 4
The authors of the report should also outline the main tasks of all stages and give a brief description of the results of the work done. Do not forget that the report should mention normative legal, educational and programmatic and (or) scientific and methodological documents, methodological manuals, articles and reviews.
Step 5
The second subtype of the report is the final (final) report, it completes the entire cycle of experimental work. The structure of the final report may not be as clear as that of the interim report, and this is quite logical, because it should directly follow from the work carried out, therefore, it directly depends on it, and not on any abstract existing norms. If an educational experiment in an educational institution was clearly planned, and real work was carried out to implement it, then writing a report should not be difficult. This is an activity that includes an element of creativity, bringing joy from the realization of high results of work.
Step 6
The problem posed in the report should be fully disclosed, but at the same time, information on the ways to solve it should not be redundant. It makes no sense to try to increase the size of the report using synonymous constructs, homogeneous members of the sentence, repetitions of the same information. The principle of reasonable sufficiency, which is defined by nothing more than a research problem, is what should form the basis of writing a report.
Step 7
There is a certain arithmetic average for the volume of work: 8-10 pages for interim reports (standard 14 font with one and a half spacing), for final reports the volume can reach 100 pages.
Step 8
The main sections of the report include a title page, a list of performers, an abstract, a summary, basic terms and definitions, the necessary designations and a list of abbreviations. Further, as in any literary work, follows a three-part structure: introduction, main part, conclusion.
Step 9
At the end of the report there should be a list of references and, preferably, annexes. Modern reports, in addition to the listed items, often contain a presentation.