Reporting is a necessary part of the business of any organization. Statistical, accounting, financial and tax reporting are the basis for studying, analyzing, forecasting and making management decisions. Before you draw up reports of any kind, you should find out about the general requirements that apply to documents of this kind.

Step 1
Before compiling reports, even if the form of its presentation is arbitrary, study the requirements of various norms and standards, including international ones and those that relate to local regulations and the effect of which is limited only by your enterprise. Compliance with these standards is especially important when conducting foreign economic activity, and when interacting with other enterprises registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Reporting containing quantitative and qualitative assessments, especially financial, accounting and tax, must be objective, reliable and up-to-date. Use verified data when compiling it; it is desirable that the information provided by other performers be certified by their signatures.
Step 3
The reporting must include estimates and comparison of the actual results of the enterprise with those that were achieved in previous periods, and with those that were planned. For ease of comparison and analysis, provide all data in a single quantity or monetary value.
Step 4
Provide regular reporting within the timeframe established by the regulations. This rule should be especially strictly observed in relation to tax reporting, where violation of the deadline for submitting the report entails significant penalties.
Step 5
Prepare reports in accordance with the standards of office work and those requirements for its content and design, which are established in industry regulations. The report submitted to external bodies, be sure to sign with the head of the enterprise and the official who is authorized to be responsible for this type of reporting. Confirm the signatures with the seal of the organization.