When switching to part-time work, labor rights, such as the accrual of seniority, the duration of annual paid leave, are not changed or limited.

Step 1
If the transfer is initiated by the employee, first take the application from the employee transferring to part-time. According to Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer establishes part-time work at the request of a pregnant woman, guardian, with a child under 14 years old or a disabled child under 18 years old.
Step 2
Upon receipt of an application for an employment contract, conclude an additional agreement on changes in working conditions. Indicate that the employee is switching to part-time work, write down the time when work should begin and end, lunch break, if any. In the column "wages" indicate the salary in full. Pay the employee by the hour in accordance with the hours worked, based on the size of the salary.
Step 3
If the employee is provided with full employment in this position, then in the staffing table indicate 1 rate and the official salary corresponding to it. In this case, you can hire another employee for the remainder of the working time, both part-time and at the main place of work.
Step 4
If a part-time transfer is initiated by the employer, document the fact of a change in technological or organizational working conditions. Argument this by the fact that there have been changes in the operating mode and internal regulations. For example, in connection with the introduction of new equipment into operation.
Step 5
Issue an order to change the technological and organizational working conditions. The employer-organization must notify in writing about the transfer to part-time work no later than 2 months in advance. Indicate the reasons for the need for translation. If the employer is an individual, notify the employees at least 2 weeks in advance. Please familiarize yourself with the employee's work schedule together with the message about the change in the terms of the employment contract.
Step 6
Adjust the job description. Reflect the changes in the work schedule in the internal labor regulations. Make the appropriate adjustments to the wage regulations. Make organizational changes to the personnel regulations, etc., in the safety instructions, if necessary. Document your agreement to work under the new conditions.