Temporary transfer of an employee to another position is possible within the organization. The transfer of an employee is possible with his consent. The term of the transfer is limited to one year, however, the specific term of the transfer may not be indicated in the event of replacement of a temporarily absent employee (for a period of temporary incapacity for work, being on a business trip, parental leave, etc.). If, after the end of the transfer period, the employee continues to work, does not demand to provide the previous job, such a transfer ceases to be temporary. To arrange a temporary transfer:

Step 1
Notify the employee about the need for translation. It is better to do this in writing, that is, to deliver a notification indicating the reasons for the transfer, the new position, the term of transfer.
Step 2
If you agree to the transfer, an additional agreement to the employment contract is signed with the employee. It specifies changes in the terms of the employment contract: job title, payment, transfer period.
Step 3
Issue a transfer order signed by the head of the unified form T-5. The order form provides for familiarization of the employee against signature. This must be done within three days.
Step 4
Regardless of the employee's consent, you can arrange a transfer for up to one month:
- in the presence of extraordinary circumstances: an industrial accident, natural or man-made disaster, in order to prevent accidents, - to prevent downtime, damage to property.