Currently, the range of goods and services provided is quite diverse. However, to carry out such activities as the provision of audit, medical services, it is necessary to obtain a special permit - a license. These services must comply with the developed state standards and norms, therefore, the activities for their provision are subject to state certification (licensing).

The essence of licensing lies in the fact that it is subject to the most "dangerous" types of activities that may entail damage to objects under the special protection of the state: the life and health of citizens, the country's defense, etc. Licensing serves as a kind of filter that restricts the access of “unreliable” entities to carry out special types of activities. Violation of licensing rights, in turn, can entail both administrative and criminal liability. Based on the above, it follows that licensing is a process of official recognition by the state of the right of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity to carry out a certain type of activity with mandatory compliance with established regulatory requirements and standards. A license is an official document certifying the right to carry out the activities specified in it for a certain period. The list of licensed types of activities is determined by the federal law "On licensing certain types of activities." In order to obtain a license, prepare a certain package of documents. This can be done in two ways: the first is to collect them yourself, the second is to provide this process to the organization providing such services. To obtain a license, the following documents are required: - a written statement in which the applicant's request for a license is expressed; - notarized copies of constituent documents (for legal entities); - a receipt for payment of state fees; - copies of documents that are determined by the licensing regulation (for each specific type of activity separately), indicating that the applicant for a license has the ability to fulfill license requirements. Next, submit the documents you have collected to the licensing authority. After checking the submitted documents, the licensing authority within 45 days will make a decision to grant a license, or it will be refused.