The international passport has been specially developed as a document proving the identity of a traveler abroad. When starting its registration, be prepared that this process will take you a lot of time - up to 4-6 months.

You can get a passport in several ways. The first is via the Internet. You can draw up the coveted document through the official state website Log in to the system, select the appropriate section, fill out the form and wait for someone to contact you. You can also order a passport from a travel agency. Give all your documents to the travel agency specialists, pay for their services and wait. Or you can do everything yourself by visiting the OVIR according to the dream of your registration.
In order to issue a passport, you will need a number of documents. This is a questionnaire filled in two copies, which is certified by the seal and signature of the employer. For students, only the signature of the dean will be enough, for schoolchildren - the signature of the school director. Young people also provide the migration service with a certificate stating that in the near future you will not be listed as a conscript. Remember only that this paper is valid for 1 month. And this means that you need to finish with the registration of all documents at this time.
To obtain a passport, you will also need a receipt for payment of the state duty. Since now on the territory of the Russian Federation there are two types of passports - old and biometric - the amount of the fee will depend on which sample you choose. If you are old, then pay only 400 rubles. If new - then 2500 rubles. per adult and 1200 p. per child.
Also, to obtain a passport, you will need to attach to the collected documents a work book (if you work), an old foreign passport (if you are replacing an old one with a new one), 4 photos (if you choose an old passport).
Consider the fact that children are now being given their own personal document, and not just entered in the parents' passport as before. This should be taken care of in advance. After all, in order to obtain a foreign passport, a child needs to have a formalized citizenship and residence permit, as well as a SNILS policy. You must receive it personally by coming to the OVIR with your Russian passport.
The main thing to consider when issuing a passport is the timing of its production. Therefore, take care of the preparation of this document in advance. And then your plans for a vacation abroad will not be disrupted.