Many books have been written about building a career. There are dozens of articles on the Internet about building a successful career from scratch. The advice given in these books and articles is usually quite robust. Many of us read them and give ourselves the word tomorrow (from Monday) to start following these tips. But it turns out to build a career for quite a few. Why?

Step 1
Thirty years ago, the word "careerist" had a negative connotation, like the words "wealth", "fortune", etc., moreover, real careerists of that and a little later period often felt guilty for their success. Since then, the world has changed a lot, but, unfortunately, our consciousness has not changed so much. This also applies to those who did not even exist thirty years ago: such a consciousness was passed on to them. To build a career, you must first of all get rid of the understanding of career as something negative or unnecessary inside yourself. Quite often we fail to do something well just because we don’t like to do it. Therefore, building a career should be positive and fun for you. Try to think in this way: a career is self-realization and self-development, if I am ambitious, then I will make a good career and be wealthy enough to embody my own goals and help loved ones. The main thing will be that, firstly, a career is necessary for your personal development, and secondly, by becoming a more financially successful person, you will be able to bring more benefits to others. Besides, setting goals and achieving them is fun.
Step 2
We often hear that it is difficult for a graduate of a higher, and even more so of a secondary specialized educational institution, to get a job: work experience is required everywhere, but it is not … Well, try to get a job at least somewhere in order to gain this experience! And do not postpone employment until graduation from university or college: the earlier you start your career, the faster you will learn everything and be able to do important interesting work, as well as have a good income. Do not listen to those who think that during your student years it is best only to have fun: such reasoning is conducive to simply "going with the flow of life", which should not be characteristic of a real careerist. At first, you are unlikely to be offered a decent salary, but your primary goal is to gain experience and learn something. In a sense, this is the first, low-paying job, in which you are still forgiven for your mistakes due to inexperience, will teach you much more than 5-6 years in a university. You will understand the algorithms of the simplest but important actions, you will learn how the business is built in your area.
Step 3
It may be difficult, but at first you will have to put aside thoughts like "let them try to find someone for my salary, I am already doing a good job." First, they will find - now there are quite a few people who absolutely sincerely agree to work for very little money, just to work in Moscow, since somewhere you cannot find a job at all. Second, you can benefit from everything. Your job may be low-paying, but if you can learn a lot from it, then it will be useful to you. If you are just sitting out your time for little money, then, of course, you should try to change it. It is not at all necessary to work at the same place for a year or more if there is no benefit from such work.
Step 4
Just being a good performer is not enough to build a career. Improve your knowledge - read professional literature (at least 20-30 minutes a day!). Chat with colleagues, follow interesting articles on your specialty on the Internet. After all, this way you can become one of the most knowledgeable people in the company, and this will not go unnoticed.
Step 5
Have you noticed that most people (for example, your employees) seem to just go to work because they have nowhere else to go in the morning? And at exactly 6 pm they hurry home, complaining of fatigue and expressing their joy that the working day is finally over. You should not do the same as they do: on the contrary, be proactive and active, show that you love work and want to do it. Feel free to ask, ask for clarification in order to better accomplish the task assigned to you, as well as make your own suggestions. Against the background of your employees, you will be very noticeable, and your management will certainly appreciate you. Besides, don't you like your job? If so, then it's okay to want to work harder rather than rush home.
Step 6
For those looking to build a career, don't give up on additional education or skill opportunities (such as English courses). First, this is also a development that will certainly be appreciated. Secondly, there are things that will be useful in any job - for example, many people need English now.