How To Build A Career In A Bank

How To Build A Career In A Bank
How To Build A Career In A Bank

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Banks are considered one of the most prestigious places to work. This is quite justified - the specialists of many banks receive rather large salaries, they have the opportunity to travel on business trips around the world. However, building a career in a bank is not easy: first of all, it will take a long time, often more than building a career in a company, and secondly, competition among banking specialists is high.

How to build a career in a bank
How to build a career in a bank


Step 1

The first thing to understand is that the bank is not the place where you can get a job at any time. A bank career almost always starts from scratch. Senior students come to banks for summer internships, take jobs that do not require much experience (clerks, call center specialists, etc.) and slowly move on. From these positions, with due zeal, you can grow to fairly high positions - for example, head of department or deputy head of one of the bank's divisions.

Step 2

There are two ways to make a career in the bank:

1. come to the bank "from scratch", from the student's bench and grow in this bank.

2. move from bank to bank (to higher positions or simply to those positions that seem to you more suitable and interesting in terms of functionality).

The first way is usually easier and faster. However, not everyone manages to make a successful career in one bank - for various reasons it can suddenly "stop". In such cases, it is worth considering moving to another bank.

Step 3

In any bank, there are two groups of positions: back office and front office. The first group includes specialists in support of credit transactions, securities transactions, lawyers and other specialists. They are required, first of all, to be attentive, accurate, and able to work with large amounts of information. These are the positions for which specialists from the non-banking sphere are rarely hired. Employees of the second group are the "face" of the bank. They communicate directly with customers. It is on them that the attitude of clients to this bank depends. For such employees, customer focus and stress resistance are very important. When thinking about a career in a bank, you should immediately decide where it will be easier for you to work - in the back- or front-office.

Step 4

The financial industry is developing rapidly, therefore new departments are opened in banks almost every year and employees of various profiles are required who are able to cope with new tasks. To build a successful career in the bank, you need to be aware of all such changes and undergo corporate training. Competition among those wishing to work in banks is quite high, so it is important for those wishing to build a career to be active enough, to show initiative and be able to work for a result.
