Career is not an empty phrase for every working person, despite the fact that not everyone strives for the boss's chair. Managing your career development involves purposeful movement towards your goal.

- - desire and readiness not only for a higher salary, but also for the level of responsibility;
- -savvy;
- - knowledge and application in practice of the foundations of the psychology of communication with people around.
Step 1
In addition to fulfilling your responsibilities, you should subtly communicate your successes to your management. So that you can see how with your arrival the situation in this area of work has improved. For example, you figured out how to optimize your work and can spend half the time on performing a task than your predecessor. This story must be passed on by word of mouth for your name to be associated with success. Otherwise, your labor exploits may not be noticed, because in most cases people tend to take all good things for granted.
Step 2
You need to hone your communication skills as you work for a large company. And you need to strive so that most of the team does not "put a spoke in your wheels" because you do not want to communicate with them. I do not urge you to be the life of the company, as at parties. But the ability to maintain a conversation, listen to the interlocutor, and praise does not require a lot of your mental strength, but will significantly increase the chances that you will be loved in the team and your opinion will be listened to.
Step 3
At the stage when you are just at the beginning of your career, you should pay attention to your immediate supervisor. It is necessary to soberly assess whether you will be able to advance under his command. Try to be trusted with responsible tasks. And beware of stagnation! If you see that your boss thinks that you are doing more or less well in this area of work and is not going to change anything, then change your place of work. Because later on, you can get stuck in this position for many years, and you will be addicted to the company. Since you will not learn anything new during all this time, and nobody canceled competition in the labor market. And it will be difficult to find a job with the same level of wages.