Each of us at school hears that he must make every effort to make a good career. As a rule, as we grow up, we realize the need for a career ourselves. However, where to start building it?

Step 1
Many people think that the most important step in a career is the first one. If you start your career well, get into a prestigious company and establish yourself in it, then it will be easy to occupy more and more high positions. This is true, but the importance of the first step should not be exaggerated. Perhaps, having started work in your specialty while still studying at the university, you will understand that your specialty is not interesting to you. This is a completely normal phenomenon - it is quite logical that what we chose at the age of 16-17 we do not like at 22. In this case, it is worth thinking about what you would really like to do now, and try to find a job in this area at the initial position, or (if this area is too far from the area in which you have knowledge and skills) get additional education. Education does not always mean higher, you can complete courses.
Step 2
If you like what you are studying at the university and you start looking for your first job in your specialty, then it is worth remembering a few points:
1. Companies are reluctant to hire employees without work experience, but large companies usually have paid summer internships, as well as many initial positions that can be taken by a motivated student or graduate with a good diploma. So the main thing first is to write a competent resume and show yourself well in the interview.
2. Resumes of specialists without work experience, as a rule, do not differ much from each other. You can attract the attention of the desired employer to your resume by studying or graduating from a prestigious university, high academic performance, successful completion of university internships, knowledge of foreign languages, the ability to work on a computer not only in Word, but also in Excel and PowerPoint. You should also write a cover letter explaining why you would like to work for this particular company.
3. It is necessary to prepare for interviews. It is important to visit the company's website and find out as much as possible about it - what it does, what projects it has, what it is known for. Employer likes awareness. It is also worth brushing up on your knowledge of the specialty - at interviews, tests are often offered or they talk about professional topics.
Step 3
A good start is not a reason to relax. Without further effort, it will be difficult to build a successful career. It is important not only to clearly fulfill all the tasks of the management, but also to show initiative, to take part in various projects. If the management is in no hurry to trust you with such participation, it is worth talking to them about it - this will also only increase the careerist's chances of success. In good standing, the employee who knows how to take on more than his job.
Step 4
It may seem that much of what is needed for work was not taught at the university. Then you should study on your own: read books and magazines on professional topics, ask questions to senior colleagues. Do not neglect corporate and other training, for example, English. The more knowledge a person has, the more likely he is to build a good career - in one area or another.
Step 5
A true careerist shouldn't be afraid of change. If you feel that you are not developing in your position in the company and if you are not in a hurry to transfer to another position, then this is a reason to start looking for a new job. Let it be paid lower, but you will gain new valuable experience.