If your organization sells a product, and you find that some of the product has already expired, such products must be written off. But the question arises - how to do it correctly?

Step 1
Identify the expired item. Inventory will help to identify such goods. To draw up the results of the inventory, draw up an inventory list of inventory items, as well as a collating statement of the results of the inventory.
Step 2
If, as a result of the inventory, expired goods were identified, then draw up an act on them. Your organization itself must develop a form for an act on the identification of such goods and approve it by order, there is no general sample of this form.
Step 3
Draw up the act of writing off the goods in three copies according to the form No. TORG-16 (approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 No. 132).
Step 4
If you have the appropriate software, then it will make your life much easier. But for this, when posting the goods, enter information about the expiration date of the goods in the document. After that, you can generate a list of expired goods automatically. Attach an act on the withdrawal of goods from the trading floor or from the warehouse to the register of expired goods printed from the program.
Step 5
Fill out the TORG-16 form.
Step 6
Reflect in the accounting of the organization the withdrawal of goods from sale by posting Debit 41, subaccount "Expired goods" Credit 41, subaccount "Goods in trading floors" or subaccount "Goods in warehouses".
Step 7
If you want to defend your right to a reduction in taxable profit, then most likely you will have to go to court, since the tax authorities usually refuse such requests.
Step 8
However, if you are selling perfumes and cosmetics, then remember that paragraphs 2 and 18 of the Regulation on the examination of low-quality and dangerous food raw materials and food products, their use or destruction, it is established that perfumery and cosmetics, the shelf life of which has already expired, should be withdrawn from circulation, subjected to examination, disposal or destruction. And since this disposal is mandatory, from a tax point of view, the legislation recognizes such operations as justified from an economic point of view.
Step 9
Within three days, provide the state supervisory authority with one copy of the product liquidation act.