Estimating is one of the first and main stages of all construction and installation work. It is a calculation of the cost of construction, the production of finishing and repair work according to the approved project documentation, taking into account the actual volumes. The estimate allows you to estimate their cost even before the start of work and adjust it by changing the technologies and used construction and finishing materials.

Step 1
In construction, when drawing up estimates, a developed and agreed methodological and budgetary regulatory framework is used. It is based on the documents developed by the Gosstroy of Russia: a set of rules, guidelines and methodological documents in construction. In these regulatory developments, prices are used as of 01.01.2000, which are adjusted to current prices using correction factors that take into account inflation.
Step 2
When drawing up the estimate, use the methodology (MDS 81-1.99), which was put into effect on March 9, 2004, and other MDS and methodological instructions of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation. These regulations provide general information about the pricing process in construction and provisions for determining its cost.
Step 3
In MDS 81-1.99, the main state methodological document, the recommended coefficients are given to take into account the influence of the working conditions. In addition, in it you can find uniform samples of estimate documentation and a transcript of the main types of work that relate to others.
Step 4
Include in the total estimated cost the costs of construction (repair and construction) work, the cost of installation work, the cost of used equipment and inventory, and other costs. As a rule, construction and installation work is about 46-48% of the total cost of the estimate, the cost of equipment is 35-36%, other costs are 17-18%.
Step 5
Verification of the provided estimate is carried out not only in order to determine the correctness of the given calculations, it is necessary for quality control and search for opportunities to replace expensive work and materials with more economically profitable ones.
Step 6
When analyzing and checking the estimate, in order to insure against fraud, first of all, pay attention to the compliance with the actual volume of work and the consumption rates of building and finishing materials. Please note that direct costs are directly related to the amount of work performed, the resources required, the estimated rates and prices for these resources. Direct costs include costs associated with the preliminary processing and preparation of some building materials and the cost of transporting them to the construction site. Overhead is determined indirectly as a percentage of the builders' payroll. Estimated profit is defined as a pre-agreed percentage in the composition of construction products, it is mainly spent on the development of the production and social sphere of the contractor.