Before starting repair or construction work, each owner calculates how much will be needed for repairs or construction. To get the exact amount of costs, make up an estimate, which includes all costs associated with future construction or repair work.

Step 1
Before drawing up an estimate for construction or repairs, inspect the object and make a list of the necessary work.
Step 2
To draw up an estimate, open an Excel spreadsheet, assign the following names to the columns: - repair (construction) work; - materials; - payment to workers (if they will be involved); - additional costs.
Step 3
In the column "work", write down each item, what kind of work will be carried out. Consider everything from preparatory work to finishing work. If workers will be involved, write point by point what kind of work they will do. For example, scraping, painting, window replacement, etc.
Step 4
In the "Materials" column, indicate the required materials for each stage of work. For example, wallpaper, glue, linoleum, parquet, bricks, cement, etc. After you have detailed these points, proceed to estimate the costs for each of them. In each column opposite the building material, fill in the approximate quantity in pieces, meters, kilograms and indicate the cost of each item. Find out the cost of building materials on the Internet on special sites that specialize in the sale of such goods.
Step 5
Find approximate prices for payment of work on the job market, in advertisements. Take into account the complexity of the work and the weather conditions if the work is carried out on the street (the payment in this case is higher).
Step 6
In the column "additional costs" include items such as delivery, unloading, removal of construction waste. For each item, enter the cost (find information on the Internet or in specialized magazines). Calculate the total cost by adding the numbers from each column. This will be the preliminary amount of construction or renovation costs. It is known from practice that in most cases the final cost will be 10-15% more.