Most of the residential buildings are serviced by housing and communal services. However, housing and communal services do not always fulfill the tasks assigned to it in a timely manner. If your home is in need of renovation, contact the utility by making a request by phone. However, it would be better to draw up a statement in writing and then send it to the address of the utility service or bring it in person.

Step 1
Check if the repair request is in free form or if there is a specific sample. Different applications are processed differently.
Step 2
You should start writing an application with the indication of the addressee. He will consider your application, and will also make a decision on this issue. Usually this is the name of the housing estate and its details, the name of the director of the institution and initials. Immediately enter your details: home address, surname, contact numbers. This information should be placed on the top right of the sheet.
Step 3
Next, in the middle of the line, write the word "Application", state the essence of the appeal according to the existing model. Be it a request or a complaint, describe the situation in detail so that there are no unnecessary questions. This will help solve the problem faster.
Step 4
Be sure to attach the documents that you have to the application (contract for the provision of services, receipt of payment, and so on). It will be great if you make copies of each document, just in case. Sign your application and do not forget to indicate the date of its preparation.
Step 5
Always make an application for housing and communal services in duplicate. Make sure that the document is marked by the person receiving it. The number of the document and the date of its acceptance must be indicated, the position and surname of the person who accepted the application must be indicated.
Step 6
Be sure to specify when your application will be reviewed and when a decision will be made on your issue. As already mentioned, you definitely need to make a copy of the application - in case your appeal is ignored. In this case, you can go to court.