A job that you don't enjoy can affect your life much more seriously than you think. It is very difficult to decide to leave a permanent place, however, if such thoughts often occur to you, then there is every reason for this. Your indecision only hinders further development and does not allow your plans to come true.

It is necessary
- - the Internet;
- - press;
- - paper.
Step 1
Analyze your current workplace situation. For convenience, you can write down all the pros and cons in two columns. What doesn't suit you the most? Which of the shortcomings cannot be reconciled? Ask yourself various questions and look for answers to them. Try to understand what exactly is holding you back from changing the company, what you will lose if you are fired. Calm reasoning and conclusions are the first step to changing the situation.
Step 2
Conduct a labor market analysis in your direction. If you have the opportunity, send your resume to other firms and attend a few interviews. Going nowhere is much more difficult, so it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance. Take your time: the job market is quite dynamic. Give yourself 2-3 months to keep track of new offers.
Step 3
Try to think about the future. Assess the prospects that await you in the company. Imagine that after 10-15 years of working in the same place, you are looking back. What do you feel - regret about what you have lived through or satisfaction from your career achievements? Try to imagine what will happen if you nevertheless decide on this serious step and choose a different direction of work.
Step 4
Discuss your thoughts about changing jobs with loved ones, colleagues, and even your boss. Express your doubts and concerns to those who see the situation from the inside. Adequate leadership is bound to respond to your condition, especially if you are of real value to the firm. It is possible that you will have new thoughts, or the determination to leave work will become more pronounced.
Step 5
Discard all secondary and emotional aspects that keep you in your current workplace. For example, you are comfortable with the location of your office, or you enjoy being intimate with your coworkers, so you are willing to put up with the real disadvantages of your job. It is necessary to understand that these advantages should not influence your decision, because, quite possibly, in a new place you will be much better psychologically.