In the competition for specialists, many companies began to use additional advantages in the form of a social package of benefits. Availability can often be seen in job advertisements. It's just that, whether intentionally or not, a standard set of social guarantees required by labor legislation is often issued for a social package.

What is included in the social package
Initially, it was assumed that the social package implies additional social benefits that this enterprise can provide to its employees. To some extent, the social package is an indicator of the stable operation of an enterprise interested in its personnel, its financial well-being.
But some companies manage to substitute concepts, listing as benefits included in the social package what is already guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. There is no point in mentioning the payment of sick leave, the provision of annual paid or maternity leave, contributions to the pension fund, etc., because all this must be done by law. It is also incorrect to mention in the list of benefits included in the social package, and the payment for courses and trainings, raising qualifications, mobile communications or gasoline for a personal car, if the employee uses them to perform his official functions.
The social package should include those benefits that are an incentive to work. In terms of its content, it may be different, its composition may depend, for example, on the position, length of service at the enterprise, etc. A set of corporate benefits may include: paid medical services, including dentistry; issuance of interest-free loans; organizing free meals; payment of subscriptions to gyms and gyms; preferential vouchers for employees and their families to sanatoriums, children's camps or tourist trips.
Social package as a management tool
Competent business leaders use the social package in this capacity, it is a part of the corporate culture and a management tool. They understand that it is not charity at all, but it allows them to interest employees and significantly increase their motivation for productive and high-quality work, which ultimately turns out to be significant benefits for the enterprise.
As practice shows, the most effective in this regard is the social package, the filling of which implies the possibility of an independent choice for the employee. Each benefit can have a specific score, and each employee can take advantage of the set of benefits that he needs within the limits of the number of points that he has. The number of points can depend on the position held, experience, labor productivity, or simply be tied to the hierarchical level determined by the position.