How To Get Into The Civil Service

How To Get Into The Civil Service
How To Get Into The Civil Service

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According to statistics, almost half of today's students strive to get into the civil service. And this is understandable: although the salaries there are not the highest, but there is the possibility of stable work and career growth, as well as a good social package. The easiest way to get into the civil service is from a student's bench - through an internship at a university. However, a specialist with experience also has a chance to become a civil servant, having passed a competition to fill a vacant position.

How to get into the civil service
How to get into the civil service


Step 1

If you are a student, then try to get an internship at a government institution. As a rule, the universities themselves offer students to practice in government institutions. However, if the university does not want to help you, then you can find such an internship on your own. Go to the website of any government agency and call the HR department. Surely there will be a place for a trainee there, because you don't have to pay. If you prove yourself well, then in the future you will be able to work there after graduation.

Step 2

An experienced specialist or a graduate who has not done an internship in a government institution, you can try to search for vacancies of such institutions on job search sites. There are usually few of them, but they do occur. If you choose this path, then you should pay attention to the site, because these vacancies are found there most often

Step 3

Also visit the websites of government agencies. On these sites, as well as on the sites of companies, there are vacancies. However, to get a job, you will have to go through not just an interview, but a competition to fill a vacant position. It differs from a regular interview in that you have to collect quite a lot of documents (including a medical certificate), fill out a detailed questionnaire, and also prepare for the competition itself. It is an interview where you will need to demonstrate not only your professional training, but also knowledge of the Federal Law "On State Civil Service" and other regulations that govern your field of activity.

Step 4

Be prepared for the fact that some government agencies have very high contests for the lowest positions. However, it is the same in many prestigious firms. It may also happen that the competition is arranged in advance "for a certain person", but still this is not always the case.

Step 5

The process of finding a job in the civil service is quite lengthy. After passing the interview, a decision can take up to a month. As a job seeker, you should call Human Resources from time to time and inquire about the results.
