Working as a civil servant is a rather tempting prospect. It assumes a good salary and certain benefits in the course of professional activity and upon retirement. The selection of applicants for vacancies in the civil service is carried out through a competition. But before the start of the competition, it is necessary to provide a package of documents that characterize the person and exclude restrictions or prohibitions on his competition for the position of a civil servant.

Step 1
Fill out the application form for the vacancy. The application is written in the name of the head of the unit, indicating your passport data, place of residence and contact phone number. The application form can be downloaded from the website of the government agency in which you plan to enter the service.
Step 2
Fill in the form. Its form can also be downloaded from the official website of the government agency. In the questionnaire, you must indicate your personal data, work activity, academic degree (if any), awards and other merits, as well as trips abroad and their goals. It will be necessary to attach two 3x4 photographs to the application form.
Step 3
Write your autobiography. It is written in free form. Typically, this is a detailed description of your professional development. First of all, the date and place of your birth are indicated, then the general education institution in which you studied. It is necessary to indicate the year of graduation and briefly the merits (medals, awards, participation in the Olympiads). Then the study in a higher educational institution is described: the year of admission and graduation, specialty, qualifications and status of the diploma received. If you have been awarded an academic degree, then the years of study in graduate school, doctoral studies and diplomas confirming the assignment of these titles are indicated. If there are awards and certificates of honor, they are also mentioned in the autobiography.
Step 4
Provide documents (and their copies) that prove your identity and identify you. This is a passport, SNILS, TIN.
Step 5
Submit your education documents (and copies). These are diplomas of higher education (completed retraining courses, advanced training) and diplomas confirming the assignment of scientific degrees (if any).
Step 6
In the neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensary at the place of registration, take a certificate of the absence of diseases. At the clinic, issue a medical certificate. Please note that issuing these certificates is a paid procedure. The cost depends on the region and hospitals.
Step 7
Attach to the package of documents a copy of the work book (if you work), certified by the HR department. If you have not worked before, then you do not need to provide a work book.