The success of a company largely depends on employees who are effective in specific conditions. Therefore, every businessman tries to attract specialists who meet his requirements, have the necessary work experience, education, marital status and even appearance. At the stage of initial selection, all this information about the applicants can be obtained thanks to a correctly drawn up applicant questionnaire, adapted to the needs of a particular business.

Step 1
Examine the sample questionnaire for the general content and structure of the document. Think about what features of your business it does not take into account. Prepare important questions for your company and determine in which part of the questionnaire they should be added.
Step 2
When compiling a standard questionnaire, start by specifying the position for which the potential employee is applying. Next, prepare lines for the applicant's personal information. Here will be the last name, first name and patronymic. If appearance is important in this vacancy (especially in the field of sales), allocate a place for a photo.
Step 3
In the next lines, write the date of birth and passport data. In some cases, the age of the applicant can be critical, and the identity card will indicate citizenship and will be useful for filling out a personal file. Prepare a place to indicate the address of registration and actual residence. The proximity to the place of work will be a definite plus and a guarantee against delays.
Step 4
Of course, it will be important to know the composition of the family. Small children, sadly, will not allow a woman to pay more attention to her work than her family. But for some organizations, this will not be a disadvantage. The value of the line about education is difficult to underestimate. There are specialties in which one simply cannot do without specialized training (technical or others). In addition, information on additional certificates and diplomas can be indicated here.
Step 5
The most important information about the applicant's suitability for the vacant position can be obtained from the description of work experience. More space should be allocated for this part of the questionnaire. The duty stations are listed here, with a list of major responsibilities, in reverse chronological order, starting with the latter. From here you can get information about the applicant's actual experience and contact, if necessary, with previous employers to confirm the specified information.
Step 6
At the end of the form, include short questions that can add important details to your current impression of the candidate. For example, willingness to travel, expectations of pay levels, or the ability to start work immediately. At the very end of the questionnaire, leave a place for the applicant's signature and the date of filling it out.