Transfer to another job is a change in the labor functions of an employee temporarily or on a permanent basis. Such a transfer can take place both at the initiative of the employee and at the request of the employer.

- - employee documents;
- - documents of the organization;
- - A4 sheet or a special form of the company;
- - pen.
Step 1
Quite often, the heads of organizations, when solving various personnel and other issues, face some difficulties: replacing a temporarily absent employee, closing vacancies that have appeared, and others. In other words, there is a need for personnel changes. For example, transferring an employee from one job to another. These legal relations are governed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
Write an application for a transfer to another job. The format of the application can be arbitrary or stencil (a special form is filled in), it depends on the adopted procedure for the document flow of a particular organization.
Step 3
In the application, indicate a number of mandatory details: name of the type of document, initials and surname of the applicant, addressee (position, surname and initials of the head to whom this application is sent), registration number, date of writing the document and the structural unit where the applicant works. Also describe in detail the reason for the transfer. At the end of the text, put your signature.
Step 4
Next, coordinate and endorse this document with the heads of the structural departments and the head of the personnel department. If it is provided for by the organization's regulations, then contact the personnel department and take on the characteristics for yourself.
Step 5
Take the completed and endorsed statement with the characteristics attached to it for approval to the head of the organization. His decision is expressed in a resolution that contains the personal signature of the manager and the date from which transfer to another job is possible. But one positive resolution is not enough for the transfer of an employee to be considered valid. The management issues an order (order) to transfer the employee to another job, based on the approved application and agreement on some changes to the employment contract.