How To Fill Out Job Application Forms

How To Fill Out Job Application Forms
How To Fill Out Job Application Forms

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If you are looking for a job, you probably have a resume. But some employers, before a personal interview, ask the candidate to fill out a questionnaire just before the interview. Of course, you need to be able to do it competently.

How to fill out job application forms
How to fill out job application forms


Step 1

First read all the questions on the questionnaire. If there are similar ones (this is done in order to obtain more reliable information), answer them first. Of course, you need to give true and identical information.

Step 2

Usually the first questions are about passport data. Do not answer them from memory, copy everything from the document.

Step 3

Don't skip a single question, answer everything. If any question seems difficult to you, answer it at the very end of filling out the questionnaire. Never write a lie. Almost all of your answers can be easily verified. If there is a column indicating professional skills that you do not have, answer honestly, just add that you are easy to learn. Write in beautiful, legible handwriting, even if it takes a long time.

Step 4

Read the question carefully before answering it. When filling out the columns about previous jobs, see if the first or last three places must be indicated whether you need a full date of admission and dismissal. Indicate the phone numbers of all employers who can give positive reviews about you. Write them even if there is no such question in the questionnaire. Be sure to answer as much detail as possible to questions about your achievements at work and job responsibilities.

Step 5

If the questionnaire contains questions about your strengths and weaknesses, think carefully before answering them. If you directly tell about your inattention, indiscipline, laziness, and so on, you are unlikely to even get into an interview. Drawbacks, specify those that cannot interfere with the workflow. For example, shopaholism. So you will fill in the required column, but this minus will not affect the employer's attitude towards you in any way. Positive qualities, on the contrary, you need to indicate those that are relevant to work. Celebrate your artistry, punctuality or good knowledge of the Russian language.

Step 6

If there is a column about the estimated earnings (many employers discuss payment issues only at interviews), do not underestimate or overestimate your requirements. Both can lead to the fact that you will not be hired. Remember exactly what level of salary I offer for such vacancies. Put this number in the appropriate box.

Step 7

Fill out the form correctly. If you do not know how to spell a particular word, replace it. Don't forget about punctuation marks, because they can radically change the whole meaning of a sentence.

Step 8

Do not write a detailed answer to a question about your hobbies, it will be enough to indicate two or three points. In the question of personal qualities, avoid cliches, it is better to indicate what you can really be proud of. For example, stress resistance, high performance and responsibility are common. And, of course, the employer runs through such words with his eyes, not really thinking about them. And if you write that you can work on several projects at once, know how to make decisions, are responsible for everything you have done, your eyes will involuntarily linger on these phrases and you can count on a higher assessment of your abilities.
