Contracts can be concluded orally and in writing. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation sets forth the rules for concluding and executing contracts for various types of transactions. Standard forms (forms) allow you to save time when processing transactions, since the main text of the contract is already typed in them, it remains only to enter into the finished form significant provisions related directly to the transaction being made.

- - contract form;
- - writing materials;
- - documents of the parties to the agreement.
Step 1
In the preamble of the contract, it is necessary to indicate between which parties the contract is concluded. For legal entities, it is necessary to indicate the organizational and legal form and name of the enterprise, the position and name of the person empowered to conclude and sign the contract, and also explain which document (charter, power of attorney) confirms these powers.
Step 2
Individuals must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and information about the document that allows them to be identified (as a rule, passport data are indicated). Sometimes, along with passport data, the date of birth, TIN, place of registration are indicated.
Step 3
The item "Subject of the contract" indicates the name of the products transferred under the contract or the name of the services provided. If necessary, indicate their quantity and quality, equipment, location or any other additional information. In some cases, the clause "Subject of the contract" may contain a reference to annexes (specifications, lists) that allow you to describe in more detail the goods and services in respect of which the contract is concluded. Applications are an integral part of the concluded contract.
Step 4
The clause "Contract price" indicates the total amount that one party will transfer to the other with proper execution of the terms of the contract. The contract price is determined in each specific case based on the cost of products, works, services, transportation costs. The decoding of all costs included in the contract price can also be drawn up in a separate application.
Step 5
The parties independently determine the deadlines for the fulfillment of obligations under the agreement and fix them in the paragraph "Term of the agreement". The terms of the contract can be limited to a specific calendar date, the expiration of a period of time, or be determined by an indication of an event that should occur.
Step 6
In the clause "Special conditions", the parties to the contract can set out certain requirements for goods or services, fix special conditions for the fulfillment of obligations or other important points for the transaction. Such conditions may be non-standard, but at the same time they should not contradict the legislation in force in the country.
Step 7
The parties can agree on penalties for improper performance of contractual obligations, determine in which court disputes related to improper performance of the terms of the contract will be considered, establish the procedure for terminating the contract.
Step 8
In conclusion, the parties to the agreement indicate their data (name, surname, name, patronymic, address) and payment details, seal the agreement with signatures and seals (if any).