The personnel of any enterprise is its main fundamental factor ensuring its development and promotion in the market. The efficiency and functionality of personnel depends on the quality of their management, the ability of the manager to organize the work process.

Basic principles of personnel management
The principle of personnel management of an enterprise is a set of norms, rules and regulations that must be followed by team leaders and top-level specialists - heads of departments, workshops, sections and employees of the organization's personnel department.
Management methods are conventionally divided into two main methods - these are traditional and modern management. The traditional management includes the planned selection and placement of personnel at the enterprise, democracy in the control system for the implementation of decisions of the management level and a skillful combination of one-to-one and collegiality in managing the process. This method of personnel management has been traditional since Soviet times and has a number of inconsistencies with modern realities. However, this is the preferred way of leadership in many organizations.
Modern management presupposes, in addition to the traditional methodology, the broad development of the social side of the enterprise, an individual approach to the professional development of each employee, continuous improvement of his qualifications, the direct participation of each in the development of production processes and improving the quality of life of the team.
Any of the methods of personnel management includes three main directions, without which the effective existence of the production process is impossible - this is an administrative, economic and socio-psychological direction.
Administrative personnel management
Administrative management is carried out by the management apparatus of the organization and includes the development of a strategy for the functioning of divisions, the organization and regulation of the working day, the regulation of pay rates and the determination of the grades of employees, the development of job and work instructions.
The administrative impact consists in the preparation of legal documents, for example, orders, orders and instructions, and the organization of their reporting to all employees of the team.
Economic personnel management
This branch of team management bears responsibility for mobilizing and motivating employees, finding solutions and methods for their material stimulation, that is, finding funds to increase wages and bonuses.
In addition, all types of insurance of the company's personnel, catering at the workplace, and transportation of employees to the workplace are also related to economic management.
Social and psychological management of employees
The socio-psychological side of management is the identification of leaders among the personnel of the enterprise and the minimization of conflict situations during the work process, the organization of cultural events and corporate events, the formation of the career of each employee based on his personal qualities, the selection of teams or employees of a particular department based on the psychological portraits of each …