The boss-subordinate relationship is rarely straightforward. Everyone pursues their own interests, but it often happens that the leader regularly goes beyond the scope of business ethics. How to proceed in this case is a difficult and controversial question.

This is an unpleasant situation, almost every working person has encountered it. The boss's screams and anger are difficult to bear, especially if they are repeated frequently, unfair and degrading. In this case, you can act in different ways, it all depends on the situation, here the following can be distinguished:
- keep silent
This should be done when you are truly guilty, since it is the boss who will justify himself before his boss because of your mistake.
- reasonably make excuses in response
If you are being shouted at unfairly, try to maintain your composure and make strong arguments in your defense, do not be silent. You should not shout back, so that communication does not turn into a skirmish. Be tactful and polite.
- leave the place of work
If the screams and humiliation from the head take on a permanent character, then you should not endure it, since the nerve cells are not restored. Therefore, think it over well, weigh it and start looking for another job.
What to do, in any case, a person must decide for himself, based on the current situation. It is not worth going into a conflict with a leader, as well as "burning bridges behind oneself." Try to tactfully clarify the situation, if this does not work, then write calmly, write a statement and leave this place of work.