The procedure for hiring a company's first person (director, general director, president, etc.) on the staff is slightly different from the registration of other employees. Instead of an application for employment, the minutes of the general meeting of founders on the election or the sole decision of the sole founder to appoint a person to this position is used.

It is necessary
- - minutes of the general meeting of founders (or the sole decision of one founder) on the appointment of the first person of the company (in accordance with the name of the position specified in the charter of the enterprise);
- - an employment contract signed by the director and the chairman of the board of founders or, on both sides, by the director on behalf of the company and his own;
- - an order on his own appointment as a director based on the decision of the founders (s);
- - director's work book;
- - fountain pen;
- - seal.
Step 1
Prepare minutes of the general meeting of founders on the appointment of the first person of the company. This is a generic document that is easy to find on the Internet. If there are several founders, it must be signed by each of them.
If you are the only founder and appoint yourself as the first person, this document is still needed.
Step 2
Enter into an employment contract with the director. If there are several founders, from the side of the company it is signed by the chairman of the board of founders. With one - the only founder. If the sole founder and the director are the same person, he signs the document on both sides: on behalf of the company as the founder and on his own as the director hired.
Step 3
Then the director must issue a hiring order, which differs from similar documents only in that he indicates himself as an employee to be hired and signs it himself.
Step 4
The record of employment, which must be made in the work book, differs from situations with other employees only in that there is no consensus about which document should be mentioned there as a basis: an order for employment or minutes of the general meeting of founders (sole decision of the founder).
Many indicate both documents just in case.