Business correspondence is an integral part of many production processes. A significant place in it is occupied by responses to official requests from various organizations, including those controlling. For such letters, an official business style is required, it is quite acceptable, moreover, bureaucratic turns are preferable. There is no place for emotions in them, even if the claims that the appeal you received is inappropriate.

It is necessary
- - computer;
- - Internet access or printer;
- - company letterhead;
- - mail, courier or personal visit to the addressee's office (not in all cases);
- - the text of the letter to which you are responding.
Step 1
Use letterhead to write your response. Do not forget to assign an outgoing number to the letter, register it with the secretary or in the office, and put the date.
Step 2
Address the answer to the person whose signature is under the letter. Usually it represents the title and surname with initials. Try to find out his name and patronymic. Do this using the Internet or a phone call directly to the organization from which the letter came. Usually at the bottom of the official letter the surname of the performer and his phone number are indicated. This information will be useful for further interaction, if the need arises. However, the answer should be directed to the name of the person whose signature is under the appeal that came to you. His initials are enough in the “header” of the answer. But the letter must begin with an address by name and patronymic: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!"
Step 3
At the very beginning of your reply, indicate the output data of the letter. Usually, official appeals contain an outgoing number, the date must be indicated. The generally accepted wording of the first phrase: "In response to your letter (appeal, information request, claim, complaint - depending on the situation) No. so and so from such and such a number, we consider it necessary (option - we can) report the following."
Step 4
Then answer the questions that are contained in the letter in the same order in which they are given in it.
Step 5
If, in your opinion, any claims or claims made against you personally or your organization by the author of the letter are unlawful, indicate that they cannot be satisfied and explain the reason, referring to the provisions of the current legislation, which, in your opinion, contradict.
Step 6
Use the phrase "Regards" at the end of your answer. You will have to do this, even if you think that the addressee is not worthy of respect. However, there is no need to demonstrate this opinion. Do not forget to include your title, surname and initials as well. If you are submitting a paper response, please put your signature under it.