In the era of computer technology, partners increasingly communicate remotely, preferring not to waste time on personal meetings and negotiations. Therefore, it is not surprising that work correspondence is of no small importance in the life of a modern manager. Keeping it right is the task of every office worker.

Step 1
If at work you have to communicate with customers or suppliers, then, of course, you often have to write formal letters. This is not as easy as it seems at first glance: business correspondence is fraught with many pitfalls, which must be bypassed in order to preserve your reputation as a competent partner. If it is not possible to take a course in the art of business correspondence, follow the rules below.
Step 2
The official letter must be registered. Do this before starting to compile it and put the number in the space provided for it (usually in the upper left corner, under the company logo, if there is one). Specify the addressee in the upper right corner. Start with the title, then put in the last name (or last names if the letter is intended for more than one person). The positions should be listed in a hierarchical order, i.e. first comes, for example, the director, then his deputy, then the heads of services and departments.
Under the names of the addressees, indicate the title and name of the sender. Do not forget: the preposition "from" is not used in this case; this is one of the common mistakes! Next, indicate the subject of the letter and the date it was compiled. The subject of the letter should make it clear what this document will be talking about; state it clearly and clearly.
Step 3
The text of the letter begins with an appeal. If it is addressed to one person, then apply by first name and patronymic or, alternatively, by last name: "Dear Mr. Ivanov." In no case do not allow familiarity in the letter, even if you are personally familiar with the addressee and are in a relationship "on a short leg" with him. Remember that this is an official document, it must be filed in the archive and can be used in work even several years later.
The text of the letter itself must be clear and understandable. Do not spread "thoughts along the tree", do not fill the letter with unnecessary details, do not cite well-known facts. Nothing is more annoying than a waste of time reading a document, the whole meaning of which could be put into 4 sentences, but you have to read 4 sheets. Formulate your proposals briefly and understandably, if you need explanations, put them in the form of an attachment and attach to the letter.