How To Draw Up An Order To Change The Official Salary

How To Draw Up An Order To Change The Official Salary
How To Draw Up An Order To Change The Official Salary

An order to change the official salary can be drawn up towards an increase or towards a decrease. There must be appropriate grounds for this. Before issuing an order, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work.

New salary
New salary

In accordance with the Labor Code, there is a procedure for increasing or decreasing salaries for employees. In order for the order to change the official salary to take effect, some formalities must be followed. What needs to be done in order to properly prepare such an order?

Increase in the official salary

There are a number of reasons for the increase in the official salary. It can be the results of certification, recorded by the certification commission or the systematic implementation of the plan, high performance in work. If an employee is endowed with additional functional duties on an ongoing basis, the salary should also be increased.

The immediate head of the structural unit initiates the change in salary. He draws up a memo, in which he summarizes the reasons for the increase in salary and gives a general description of the employee.

The memo must be signed by the director of the enterprise or a representative of the personnel service who is authorized to sign such documents.

After agreeing on a memo on a change in the official salary, the HR specialist prepares an order for making changes to the staffing table and a key order for the employee.

It is important to remember here that all the terms of payment for labor are fixed in the employee's employment contract. Therefore, after making changes to the staffing table of the enterprise, the employee and the employer conclude an additional agreement to the main labor contract of the employee, in which the established official salary is prescribed.

Lowering the official salary

There are many subtleties and pitfalls here. The basic rule is to act in accordance with the Labor Code.

Prerequisite: two months before the reduction of the salary, it is necessary to notify the employee against signature. The term is not given by chance, since during this period, the employee can find a more suitable option for himself and write a letter of resignation.

If after this time the employee remains at the enterprise, an order is drawn up to reduce the salary and an additional agreement to the employment contract on changing the salary. All documents must be signed by the employee and the employer.

The employee must be familiar with the new job description, because when the salary changes downward, the scope of his duties also decreases.
