What Documents Are Needed For The Privatization Of Housing

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What Documents Are Needed For The Privatization Of Housing
What Documents Are Needed For The Privatization Of Housing

Video: What Documents Are Needed For The Privatization Of Housing

Video: What Documents Are Needed For The Privatization Of Housing
Video: Housing—What Next? 2024, October

The owners of municipal apartments know that their home is the property of the state, so it cannot be sold or exchanged. In order to make any transactions with housing, you need to get it into private ownership.

What documents are needed for the privatization of housing
What documents are needed for the privatization of housing

It is necessary

  • - application form No. 3,
  • - technical passport for the premises,
  • - application for privatization.


Step 1

Privatization provides an opportunity to obtain municipal housing in private ownership. In order to privatize living space in 2014, prepare the following documents: an application in form No. 3 - it can be obtained from the passport office or the housing office, a technical passport for the premises - it must also be drawn up in the housing office, the actual application for privatization, which must be signed all registered relatives who have reached the age of 18.

Step 2

Take care of obtaining a certificate from your former place of residence listing all family members who lived with you, the time of registration and discharge, this document confirms that the right to privatize real estate has not been exercised by citizens at the previous address.

Step 3

For privatization, the consent of all living persons registered in the apartment or room is required. If minors were registered on the day of privatization, they also become full participants in it. Privatization will be refused if the minor citizen registered in the apartment is discharged from there earlier than six months before privatization.

Step 4

To carry out privatization, the owner must have a social employment contract (order) with him.

Step 5

It is important to remember that there should be no unauthorized redevelopments in the apartment. In the event of illegal conversion, employees of the housing stock and the Department of Housing Policy will demand to suspend privatization until the changes are legalized.

Step 6

Turning into ownership of housing that cannot be repaired is prohibited. This means that if you are temporarily settled in a utility room, for example, an industrial facility or an educational institution, you will not be able to get a "little room" in your property, even if it is equipped with water, sewerage and other benefits provided for by the SanPIN. A similar situation will occur if you live in a municipal building that is officially recognized as emergency or subject to demolition. By the way, in the latter case, you can apply for other housing for social rent, i.e. become a participant in the resettlement program from a dilapidated and emergency fund. However, the decision on inclusion in the lists of "lucky ones" will be made by the municipality.
