The Russian Federation is traditionally among the top ten in terms of alcohol consumption per capita. The state in every possible way fights against alcohol dependence of citizens. One of the stages of this struggle was the ban on the sale of alcohol at night. It is worth figuring out what hours the alcohol is sold at.

Letter of the law
According to paragraph 5 of Art. 16 of Law No. 171-FZ, the sale of any alcohol-containing products is prohibited from 23-00 to 8-00. This prohibition applies to all points of sale of alcoholic beverages throughout the country, which are equipped with cash registers and a license to sell alcoholic beverages.
According to the previous version of this law, the sale of alcohol, the strength of which was less than 5 degrees, was allowed around the clock, and this time limit extended to stronger alcoholic beverages. Municipal, regional and regional authorities have the right to change this time, making it tougher. So, for example, in Samara and the region, the ban on the sale of alcohol is in effect from 22-00 to 10-00 Moscow time, while in Moscow and St. Petersburg the time has been kept. Also, the stores themselves, which have the right to sell alcohol, have the right to establish their own internal restrictions on the time of sale of alcohol.
An exception to the rule is alcohol-containing products that do not fall under any category of alcoholic beverages and the ethyl alcohol content in it is negligible. For example, fermented milk products, fermentation products (kvass), etc.
Illegal sale of alcoholic beverages
For violators of the ban on the sale of alcohol at night, rather severe measures of restraint are chosen. At the moment, the fine is from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. The most unpleasant thing here is that all alcohol is withdrawn from the point of sale. Its price is many times higher than the amount of the fine.
Of course, many unscrupulous sellers are not afraid of such measures, since the income from the sale of alcohol can cover the penalties overnight. Citizens living near alcohol sales points at night complain about constant noise, unsanitary conditions and drunks lying on the streets. Therefore, more than once for discussion in the State Duma, the issue of toughening fines and punishment for illegal circulation of alcohol-containing products was raised. At one time, the amount of a fine of 1 million rubles was even sounded.
Effectiveness of measures taken
Unfortunately, the restriction on the sale of alcohol at night is ineffective. Many sellers take the risk anyway and sell it to consumers. On the other hand, supply is driven by demand. Russia has remained and remains one of the most drinking countries in the world. And the restriction on night trading is only a small measure. A whole legal system is needed that is comprehensively suited to the circulation of alcohol-containing products.