The sale of alcoholic beverages is the most profitable retail area in Russia. Alcohol has always been in demand with us. If earlier the sale of alcohol was an exclusively state matter, now the situation has changed dramatically. Now the sale of alcohol is a business of merchants, and a business that brings good dividends thanks to constant demand. True, it should be borne in mind that a lot of legislative restrictions are imposed on the sale of alcoholic beverages. It is required to obtain a lot of special documents. How to sell alcohol legally?

It is necessary
License for the sale of alcoholic beverages
Step 1
A license is required to sell alcoholic beverages. The first step is to collect all the required documents.
Step 2
The list of documents is quite extensive, you can check it with the administration of your settlement. Mandatory documents for obtaining a license: an act of compliance with the requirements for commercial premises, sanitary inspection; the charter of your company and a certificate of registration with the tax authorities.
Step 3
The license is given for a period of three years. You must submit the collected documents to the licensing authority and pay the license fee.
Step 4
When the license is obtained, it is necessary to make changes to the charter of the enterprise with regard to the rules for the sale of alcohol. Tell sellers and administrators how to sell alcohol. You will receive the rules for the sale of alcohol together with the license to sell it.
Step 5
Next, you need to find suppliers. There are many companies engaged in the wholesale of alcohol. To choose a suitable one, compare prices, ease of transportation, and also estimate the purchasing power of the population. If your store is located in the center of a large city, it makes sense to sell expensive quality wines. If a lot of young people live in the area where your outlet is located, the most profitable option would be to sell beer.