No matter what the personnel officers say, no one is immune from truancy, even the most notorious workaholic. In fact, any employee can get into a situation when a dash is put on the attendance record, and for the employer he automatically becomes a labor discipline violator. What to do in this case? Urgently write an explanatory note. So far, the mark in the statement has not been followed by an order on an administrative penalty.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - a pen.
Step 1
First, consider your defense strategy. Formulate your, certainly valid, reason for absence from the workplace in such a way that the management does not have the slightest suspicion of insincerity or even the absence of serious reasons for skipping the working day. This will be the most important part of the note. Since it is the explanatory document that is the basis for making a decision on the imposition of a disciplinary sanction.
Step 2
Take a piece of paper and write an explanatory note in simple writing, as there is no standardized sample of such a document. In the upper right part of the sheet, write the details of the addressee, starting with the name of the company. This is always written in the name of the head. Most often, this will be the beginning of the "Director". Next, write his last name and initials. Here also indicate the structural unit of the enterprise, of which you are an employee (branch, department, etc.). And, of course, your own surname, first name and patronymic.
Now put the date of the compilation of the explanatory note and in the center of the sheet place the title of the document "Explanatory Note".
Step 3
In the substantive part of the note, indicate the event (absence at the workplace of such and such a date), which became the basis for drawing up the document. Describe the circumstances that developed in such a way that you were forced to skip work day. Summarize what has been said, formulating briefly the reason for your forced absenteeism. Sign and indicate next to the decryption of the signature (surname and initials).