The average age of employees is determined by calculating the arithmetic average of the ages of all office employees. Accordingly, in order to determine the average age for employees in positions of the same level, it is necessary to calculate such an arithmetic average.

Step 1
The average age of the company's employees is important for personnel policy: the assessment and reward system for "younger" and more "older" offices is different. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary for the HR manager to calculate the average age of the employees.
Step 2
To calculate the average age of employees in a company, you need to calculate the arithmetic average of the ages of employees in a given company. It is calculated as follows: the age of all employees is added up and divided by their number. As a rule, the actual number of years of the employee on a given date is taken for the calculation (i.e., if in November of this year he turns 40, and now it is April, then 39 years must be taken).
Step 3
An example of determining the average age of company employees.
Company N. has 10 employees. One of them is 18, two are 20, three are 35, four are 40. It is necessary to add up the ages of all employees:
18 + 20x2 + 35x3 + 40x4 = 323
This number is divided by 10 (number of employees). The result is 32.3. This is the average age of employees at company N.
Step 4
Sometimes HR managers calculate the average age of the company's employees in the same position. This is sometimes necessary to understand what kind of people should be hired for these positions further, since employees (especially in not very high positions) are more comfortable working with peers or those who are not much older than them. For example, if the average age of N.'s legal assistants is about 24 years old, then it is better to hire people about 22-26 years old for this position.