The average age of the organization's employees is calculated for the reporting period on the basis of personnel documents. The higher this indicator, the more experienced the team.

Step 1
List employees as of the first day of the month following the reporting period. Include the date, month, and year of birth for each employee. Calculate the age of each employee in the organization from this list.
Step 2
Calculate the average age of employees according to the formula for calculating the average value: X = (X1 + X2 + X3 …. + Xn) / С, where: - X is the average age of the organization's employees; - X1, X2, X3 … Xn is the age of each employee; - С - the number of employees in the organization (payroll) on the first day of the month following the reporting period.
Step 3
Using the above formula, add the ages of all employees in the enterprise and divide the resulting number by the number of employees on the payroll. Thus, it is very easy to calculate the average age of the employees of the enterprise. It will be a little more difficult to calculate their average number.
Step 4
Find the average number of employees for a month using the formula: Average number = Average number of employees + Average number of part-time workers + Average number of people working under civil law contracts.
Step 5
Determine the average number of employees, for this add up the data on their payroll for each calendar day of the month, including holidays and weekends, and then divide this number by the number of calendar days in the month. When compiling the list of employees for this calculation, do not include external part-time workers, persons performing work under civil law contracts, employees sent to training, women on maternity leave, and employees on parental leave. a child provided additionally.
Step 6
Calculate the average number of external part-timers. Determine the total number of person-days worked by all part-time workers in a month, and divide that number by the planned number of work days in the month.
Step 7
Calculate the average number of persons who worked in the reporting period under civil contracts. Calculate their total payroll, and then divide it by the number of calendar days in the month.
Step 8
Calculate the average number of employees for the period by adding the found values of the average number, external part-time workers and persons who worked under civil law contracts.