How To Find Production

How To Find Production
How To Find Production

Table of contents:


Production - the amount or volume of work performed, there are several types: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual. This indicator is necessary to know for planning production processes. It is also needed to determine the delivery time for raw materials and components, plan the shipment of finished products, etc.

How to find production
How to find production


Step 1

Calculate the average hourly output by dividing the total output by the number of hours spent on it. It is better to take into account the volume that was produced by all workers, regardless of their experience and qualifications.

Step 2

To find the average output per working day, divide the total output by the number of man-days worked by the entire team of workers. In this case, only those who are directly involved in the production and manufacture of products should be taken into account.

Step 3

Calculate annual revenue by dividing the total volume of products produced by the enterprise for the year by the average number of personnel employed in industrial production.

Step 4

In economics and production management, indicators such as the dynamics of labor productivity, which are directly "tied" to production, are also used. It is expressed by indices of average hourly, average daily or average annual output. These dynamic metrics tend to be different because there is a difference in the degree of time utilization.

Step 5

The index of hourly production IVch reflects the change in labor productivity during each hour of the working day. The change in the hourly output is due to an increase or decrease in the labor intensity of the product. Since the calculation takes into account only the actual hours worked, the degree of use of working time does not affect the hourly output.

Step 6

The change in labor productivity during each hour of the working day characterizes the index of the daily output of the IWD. It also depends on the index of hourly production and the number of hours worked per work shift - ITSM: IVd = IWch x ITsm.

Step 7

Calculate the IVg annual production index in the same way. It reflects the change in labor productivity during an hour and a working day, as well as the number of hours worked during the year ITg: IVg = IVd x ITg.

Step 8

Compare the dynamics of indicators of hourly, daily and annual production of workers employed in production. You will be able to track changes in the use of working time for each reporting period. In the case when the index of hourly production is greater than the index of daily output, this is evidence that the intra-shift loss of working time has increased. A higher index of annual output in relation to the index of daily output shows an increase in the number of turn-around days in a year, and vice versa.
