How To Speak In Public

How To Speak In Public
How To Speak In Public

Many of us are afraid to speak in public - we believe that it is better to stand on the sidelines, to be in the background, but not in the center of attention.

But some periods of the professional career of many employees are accompanied by the fact that he must speak in public, whether it be a presentation of a new product, or his views and ideas, a recommendation to someone, etc. Such situations require the speaker not to be afraid of public speaking.

How to speak in public
How to speak in public

Don't worry, you need to get some experience and soon you won't have a problem going out to the audience with a presentation. How well you perform may affect your career.

Your presentation will be successful if you put yourself in the shoes of any person in the audience. Once you understand how to interest the listener, you need to find an approach to the audience.

It is necessary to prepare for the presentation in advance. Here are some preparation methods:

  1. In order to grab the attention of the audience, give a short introduction or ask the audience a question. But remember that the intro itself shouldn't take long. In percentage terms, the time for introduction should take no more than 5-10 percent of the entire report.
  2. Prepare a logical sequence of the presentation.
  3. The report can be supplemented with statistics, expert opinions, demonstrations and analogies.
  4. Don't make too long a presentation speech. Give your speech aloud to see if it is too long and if you are running out of time. A little time should be allowed for questions.
  5. The final part of the report should include all of your goals. The summary should be summarized briefly. You need to frame the main points of your talk so that the audience has something to ponder after you finish your speech.
  6. It is advisable to prepare a visual accompaniment for your report. You can use slides or posters that will reflect the topic of the report. If you are using a whiteboard, try to write quickly, legibly, and neatly.
  7. Don't read the information on the slides. It's always boring and boring. Read only the main point, and tell the rest.
  8. Repeat your speech several times. This can be done in front of a mirror, in front of friends and family. Listen to their comments on your speech, their opinions, negative and positive points.

At the speech, you must be well prepared, thoroughly study the subject of the report. Be confident in your presentation. Clothes should be neat and tasteful. During the presentation, establish eye contact with the audience, speak clearly, take your time. Concentrate on the main points of the report. Try to be yourself!
