Schopenhauer's rule "who thinks clearly, expresses clearly", unfortunately, does not always work. Finding themselves face to face with a full audience, many people are often lost, embarrassed and afraid to say an extra word. Nowadays, every person has the opportunity to become a professional speaker, for this you need to learn only the basic rules used by famous politicians and businessmen.

Get rid of fear and phobia
Psychologists argue that the low level of training of people in the field of public speaking indicates the presence of complexes and modesty in a person. The main thing is that you become aware of your fear and understand where its origins come from. You need to understand that courage and confidence, as well as the ability to speak clearly when speaking in front of an audience, must be developed in oneself. This is not at all difficult and not the talent that certain outstanding personalities are gifted with. Prominent speakers say the audience is an incentive that helps them get inspired and makes them work harder. Don't be afraid to voice your new thoughts and ideas, it's important to start practicing hard.
Learn to speak beautifully and competently
It is not hard to find trainings or courses in rhetoric and public speaking nowadays, but they all cost money and often do not coincide with your work schedule. There is a less costly, but quite effective way - to learn from other people's examples. It is necessary to watch the performances of people of a wide variety of professions around the world in order to understand what unites them and how they attract the audience. Pay attention not only to the dialogue with the audience, but also to the prepared phrases and clothes of the speaker.
Practice your speech in front of the mirror. Think about the text that you would like to voice in front of the public. Imagine that the mirror is a people for whom you need to broadcast. Make sure your speech is convincing. Try to pronounce every word as clearly as possible so that the audience hears you. Have a small meeting in front of a couple of real people. No need to worry, it's important to be confident. A useful technique is interacting with the public. You can tell some examples from life, most importantly, do not overdo it. Pause short breaks in your speech to make your speech appear more natural and emotional.
Look at the public
You don't have to constantly look at your prepared notes. It is necessary to raise your eyes and address the public. You can choose among the entire audience the most friendly - those who approve and support your words.
Don't criticize your speech
Even if your performance isn't perfect, praise yourself. You managed to overcome your insecurities, went out to the public and communicated with them. Do not give up speaking, because this is the only way to become a good speaker. As you speak to your audience over and over again, your fear and uncertainty will disappear, and your performances will be freer, livelier and more exciting.