The easiest way to find out the amount of the fine is right on the spot, when the traffic police officer writes out a receipt. If the receipt is lost, you will have to contact the administrative department of the district traffic police on the day of reception of citizens and find out all the details. But there are times when the driver knows the traffic police to which the payment needs to be sent and knows the name of the offense, then you just need to use the current list of traffic offenses, indicating the amount of possible penalties.

Step 1
Minimum fines of up to 500 rubles are issued for minor offenses, such as driving a car without a technical inspection or a driver's license, as well as in case of a brake or steering malfunction.
Step 2
Movement in unidentified places, such as pedestrian crossings and bicycle paths, as well as failure to comply with the “give way” rule is punishable by more substantial fines of up to 1,000 rubles.
Step 3
There are also more serious violations, the amount of punishment for which is several thousand rubles, for example, driving in the opposite lane or on a meeting on a one-way road, however, most often in this case, the driver is simply deprived of his license.
Step 4
It is the variability of the punishment, which largely depends on the loyalty of the traffic police officer, that makes it necessary to clarify the amount of the fine from the authorities who directly discharged it.
Step 5
The modern table of possible fines gives information not about the exact amount, but rather about the boundaries within which the traffic police officer himself chooses the amount of punishment. Therefore, it is better to find out the exact amount in the traffic police and continue to try not to violate traffic rules.