How To Use An Electronic Signature

How To Use An Electronic Signature
How To Use An Electronic Signature

Electronic signature is the latest technique that makes it possible to implement very effective protection of any important data. Like other devices of this kind, EDS has its own strictly established rules of use, which, in turn, allow you to avoid very deplorable results associated with all kinds of forgeries, changes and forgeries of important documents in electronic form.

How to use an electronic signature
How to use an electronic signature

The leading task of any electronic digital signature is the remote management of transactions and the exchange of various confidential information in the business environment. Interestingly, the operation of such a seemingly extremely complex mechanism is very simple: it converts data into an unreadable set of characters that can only be decrypted by a person authorized to perform these actions. Most often, a custom EDS looks like a regular USB flash drive.

Encoding format

A standard digital signature consists of three main parts, to which it is customary to rank certificates, a public and a private key that plays a leading role in encrypting information. It is the private key that is transferred to the authorized agent on any type of medium and is carefully guarded against attempts by unauthorized persons.

A document ready to be sent is signed with a certain number enclosed in a separate file. It is a combination of information, in which it is customary to include both the data of the most open number and the time of preparation and sending of the document and the personal data of the sender.

The received document is converted using the public key, the information file containing the electronic signature data is checked. If it is authentic, the document is further decrypted; if the signature is forged, the document is marked as having an invalid sender's certificate.

Certification of loyalty

Who is supporting the work of this entire system? In a special Certification Center that stores all duplicate keys and has a whole library of certificates, registration and reliable protection of all EDS components is provided, consultations are held on the use of the system, and spare kits are issued in case of loss.

When working with EDS, it is recommended to carefully protect and store the information transferred on disks, flash drives and cards; if necessary, it is allowed to make a carefully hidden backup copy of the keys.

The computer used to send data must be examined for all kinds of viruses and programs that can reduce the effectiveness of the EDS system, question the confidentiality of the transmitted data. The users of the system themselves are strictly prohibited from rewriting the electronic media on which the keys are registered, transferring them to outsiders, and disclosing confidential information.
